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chris impala.JPG (881789 bytes)

Chris Greig and Impala

Nathan_MtnReedbuck.jpg (1660960 bytes) 

                                 Nathan Greig and Mountain Redbuck




South Africa 2005 097.jpg (1162728 bytes) 

Scott  Sandkohl and Red Hartebeest

Klassen and Impala        ZASS 06225.jpg (748380 bytes) 

South Africa 2005 009.jpg (1120450 bytes)

  Scott Sandkohl and Zebra

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Klassen and Springbuck ( PH Andrew Bennet on right.  Tracker Wiseman in center. )

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Steve Sandkohl and Kudu


PH Andrew Bennet on right




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scott blesbuck.JPG (2581443 bytes) South Africa 2005 035.jpg (1131646 bytes)   nyala and steve .jpg (97077 bytes)eland and steve 2 .jpg (61607 bytes)